10 letter words

training-typing-10-letters-words-left-angle bracket-and-right-angle bracket-and-question-mark

< > ?


Level 261 Training - 10 letter words: < > ?

Level description:

10 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes challenges your typing stamina, helping you build endurance for longer typing sessions, which is particularly beneficial for tasks like transcribing or data entry.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Practice Regularly : Consistent practice is crucial for improving your typing speed. Dedicate time each day to practice and gradually increase the duration as you progress.
  2. Isolation Exercises : Perform exercises to enhance finger independence.
  3. Focus on Accuracy : While speed is important, accuracy should not be compromised. Aim for a balance between speed and correctness to avoid making frequent mistakes.
  4. Finger Stretches : Gently stretch each finger by pulling it back and holding for a few seconds.
  5. Balance Hands : Train both hands equally to maintain symmetry and balance.


Consistency, patience, and dedication are key throughout these steps. Over time, your muscle memory will strengthen, and you'll achieve touch typing mastery.
